Keep Vanuatu clean
The Detailed Action Plan of Priority Activities of WG in 2019
The Detailed Action Plan of Priority Activities of WG in 2020
Final evaluation report of NWMPCS 2016-2020
Our waste is our responsibility (Toti emi business blo Yumi everi wan):
- Always cover and put your waste in locations beyond the reach of dogs.
- Know your specific day and time of your rubbish collection
- Contact the Municipal council if your waste is not collected
- Always carry a litterbag in your car. It can help serve a reminder to be more responsible
- Make and use compost using organic waste from your house
- Avoid using disposal items like cloth diapers and paper plates.
- Use your consumer power and own island baskets and say no to plastic bags.
- Talk to your children about roadside rubbish and indiscriminate dumping. If you see it report it to the Port Vila Municipality
- If you or the private collectors transporting loose wastes to the dump area, ensure the waste are covered /weighed to avoid the waste being blown out.
Waste Definition
Wastes are items we (individuals, offices, schools, industries, hospitals) don’t need and discard. Sometimes there are things we have that the law requires us to discard because they can be harmful.
Waste comes in infinite sizes - some can be as small as an old toothbrush, or as large as the body of a school bus.
Effects of wastes
Effects of wastes | Explanation | Examples |
Environmental | - |
Economical | - |
Types of wastes
Types of wastes | Explanation | Examples |
Liquid | It includes point source and non-point source discharges such as storm water and waste water. |
Solid | Is any garbage, refuse or rubbish that we make in our homes and other places. |
Hazardous | Hazardous or harmful wastes are those that potentially threaten public health or the environment. Such waste could be inflammable (can easily catch fire), reactive (can easily explode), corrosive (can easily eat through metal) or toxic (poisonous to humans and animals) |
Organic | Organic waste comes from plants or animals sources. They are biodegradable (this means they are easily broken down by other organisms over time and turned into manure). Many people turn their organic waste into compost and use them in their gardens. |
Recyclable | Waste that can be potentially recycled |
Sources of wastes
Sources of wastesExplanationExamples
Municipal | This includes trash or garbage from households, schools, offices, market places, restaurants and other public places. |
Medical/Clinical | Medical/clinical waste normally refers to waste produced from health care facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, surgical theatres, veterinary hospitals and labs. |
Agricultural | This is waste generated by agricultural activities. These include horticulture, fruit growing, seed growing, livestock breeding, market gardens and seedling nurseries. |
End-of-life Automobiles | This includes old cars which are not working again |
Industrial | These include manufacturing companies and industries |
Manufacturing industries for:
Construction/demolition | Constructing waste is that resulting from the construction of roads and building. Sometimes old buildings and structures are pulled down (demolished) to make space for new ones. This is particularly common in old cities that are modernizing. This is called demolition waste |
Electronic | This is waste from electronic and electrical devices. These are also called e-waste. |
Treatment of wastes
Treatment of wastes | Explanation | Examples |
Incineration | This simply means burning waste. This method is common in countries with limited landfill space. Incineration chambers |
Sanitary Landfill | This means a large piece of land away from living spaces where all the waste from a town is deposited. |
Recycling | Recycling is processing used materials (waste) into new, useful products. This is done to reduce the use of raw materials that would have been used. Recycling also uses less energy and a great way of controlling air, water and land pollution |
Composting | With the right conditions (air and moisture), organic waste such as food and plant materials can be decomposed by bacteria, fungi, worms and organisms. Decayed organic matter is humus. Yard waste such as grass and flower clippings can also be composted. |