
Preparing legislation for a national Marine Spatial Plan in Vanuatu Background

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The Government of Vanuatu is in the process of implementing a nation-wide Marine Spatial Plan which will include multiple, different types of ocean zones, including a national network of ecologically representative Marine Protected Areas.

The vision for Vanuatu’s Marine Spatial Plan is to:
To conserve and sustain a healthy and wealthy ocean for the people and culture of Vanuatu, today and tomorrow.

Vanuatu’s Marine Spatial Planning objectives include:
1. Protecting social and economic ocean values
2. Protect marine ecosystems
3. Build resilience in the marine environment to climate change impacts as well as to other natural and man-made disasters
4. Reflect and support traditional management practices inshore
5. Separates conflicting uses
6. Identify priority areas for development

The ocean zones which will be put in place with the Marine Spatial Plan will control which human activities will be permitted in which parts of each nation’s ocean in order to achieve the nation’s stated vision and objectives.

Previously, an in-country expert partnered with an external consultant to conduct a national legal review which explored the legal basis for integrated ocean governance in general and a national Marine Spatial Plan, specifically. This review provided an overview of the legislative environment of each country and will inform the delivery of this consultancy.


This consultancy requires a legal expert, with detailed knowledge of ni-Vanuatu law, to work with partners in-country, an expert in MSP legislation and IUCN to prepare the legal underpinnings for the national Marine Spatial Plan.

The legal drafting will refer to the outputs of a consultancy which will deliver legal drafting instructions specific to Marine Spatial Planning and should also refer to the national review of legislation which was conducted and collate and assess relevant legislation/policies that have been implemented since those reviews. This includes legislation that may be relevant from a general administration point of view.

The MSP legislation will address the requirements of the Ocean Policy, the Marine Spatial Plan and the ocean zoning which will be implemented.

The deliverables must be developed in close and iterative consultation with the lead government department(s) responsible including in-country, government legal drafters. 


Contact Us

Port Vila Office

Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation,
Meteorology & Geo-Hazards, Environment,
Energy and Disaster Management compound, Nambatu
PMB 9063, Port Vila
Phone: (678) 25302 | 33430

Luganville Office

Sanma Provincial Government Council,
PMB 239,

Location of DEPC Office

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