
MSP Position Advertisements

Marine Spatial Plan Project positions advertisements for:

  1. MSP Project Manager - This position will guide the delivery & implementation, for Vanuatu, of a Marine Spatial Plan by 2020 and, oversee Vanuatu's National Ocean Policy generally. Terms of References can be download below:
    MSP Project Manager (English)
    MSP Project Manager (Bislama)
    MSP Project Manager (French)

  2. MSP Intern Positions - Marine research intern, marine programs intern, administration and communications interns (minimum requirement for interns are a graduate degree in a marine related field preferably, and some experience would be good). Terms of References can be download below:
    MSP Internships (English)
    MSP Internships (Bislama)
    MSP Internships (French)

if you are interested in one of these positions, please have your application sent/delivered to the Department of Foreign Affairs. Closing date for applications is Friday the 28th of February 2019.

Contact Us

Port Vila Office

Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation,
Meteorology & Geo-Hazards, Environment,
Energy and Disaster Management compound, Nambatu
PMB 9063, Port Vila
Phone: (678) 25302 | 33430

Luganville Office

Sanma Provincial Government Council,
PMB 239,

Location of DEPC Office

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